Tuesday, July 19, 2011

God moves in mysterious ways...

So get this:
Yesterday I posted about budget cuts and how I would start out this year with $0.

  1. Mathematical Literacy: A Standards-Based, Cross-Curricular Camp for Teachers

Today I got an email from the coordinator of a K-2 Math Literacy Camp sponsored by MTSU (anyone else going?!) that says they just had a spot open up... and it comes with a $300 stipend!!!!!!!!

I originally didn't sign up for the camp because I was unsure of my graduate school schedule at the time. (I am totally skipping a day... shhhhh!  However, thanks to technology, I can watch the archive of class.)  And the other wonderful parts?

1. I'm going with two of my best teaching buddies :)
2. We get free manipulatives and books to take back to our classroom.
3. It's a math literacy conference!!!!!!!!!  Who's super excited?  Meeeeeeee!  (Yes, I'm aware that my teacher nerdiness is showing...)

I just finished my P90X core workout....
It's gonna be a good day.

Just thought I'd share with you guys.  :)


  1. Awesome! Enjoy the conference!!

    Just found your blog and am loving it! The earphones as microphones just made me happy. Off to the dollar store to pick some up!

    Oh My Little Classity Class

  2. I love that programs are offered throughout the summer that allow teachers to still get paid. I have attended 1 so far and I still have 2 more this summer! It sure helps out with the bills! Congrats on getting into one!

  3. I think this sounds super fun!! I also have my share of teacher nerdiness going on! I just watched your WBT videos and I reposted about it!! I created a link back to you. Thanks for sharing all the awesome info!!
    Thoughts of a Third Grade Teacher


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