Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Meet Mrs. Cross

It's 2:02 am, which seems about as good a time as any to start a blog. Granted, I've been doing a snow dance for a week now, and we are day number three of no school. I had a nice little nap and stayed up all night pursuing other first grade teacher blogs, so I decided now would be a good time to start my own.

I am currently working on my master's degree in Mild/Moderate Disabilities within the general ed classroom. I'm halfway finished, and I have throughly enjoyed the winter break off!

My future career aspirations include:
  • go back to get my Specialist's degree in Administration
  • work as a Principal then maybe work on my PhD and teaching future teachers. Maybe.
  • Alternate career aspirations including winning the lottery and traveling the world. Or become a dolphin trainer.
Other things you should know about me:

Mini Shopaholic: A Novel
I LOVE the Shopaholic novels. If literally laugh out loud reading these books.

I can't get through the day without at least one of these. My husband jokes that I should have an IV of diet coke. (And what would be wrong with that?)
I'm a big fan of all things apple... my macbook, iphone, itouch...

I have a really cute class website (created on iweb) that you can check out here.

I also have another blog about how I met my husband at Disney World and our adventures in married life. I haven't updated this one as much, but most of that is due to graduate school. I'll keep this one more updated. Promise.

So that's me. Stay tuned for a unit on Arctic Animals including: how to build a milk jug igloo, a FREE penguin tree map created by moi for you to download, drawing Arctic animals to scale, a webquest (also created by me), and collaborative science projects.

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