Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Meet the Teacher

Open House WeekTeaching Blog Addict is hosting Open House Week 2012!  Go link up to join the fun!  :)

Thanks to for putting on a linkparty as well! :) Enjoy!

Quick Bio
I'm 26 years old.
I live in Tennessee.
I have taught first grade for a few years, and this is my first year teaching 3rd (I LOVE it!).
I have my Master's degree in Special Education: Mild/Moderate Disabilities.
My teaching style is very hands-on.  One of my colleagues said last week that her class was "like Disney World!".  That's my aspiration.  I want kids moving, collaborating, singing, smiling and learning!  I love to integrate technology into the classroom as well.

More about me:

I'm married to the man of my dreams- who at met working at DISNEY WORLD! I worked at DisneyQuest at the Animation Academy. I taught guests how to draw Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy. I also worked attractions. I picked up shifts in all 4 parks. I used to work at Star Tours and Expedition Everest (right when it first opened) a lot. Star Tours was cool- part of the costume was a light saber! Kids would walk by and be like "Mommy, MOMMY, LOOK- That girl is a Jedi!!". haha maybe I'm an uber-nerd, but I thought it was a pretty sweet gig. Once at Everest, a lady got off the ride and handed the guy working next to me a BOLT. She was like "this fell off"! It landed in her lap mid-ride... craziness... I could go on for days with Disney stories. And yes, the most common question that cast members in the Magic Kingdom get is: "What time is the three o'clock parade?". For Serious.

My future husband was a captain at the Friendship Boats at Epcot when we met on the Disney College Program. You can read his side of the story here on my personal blog.
I studied abroad in Spain and got to travel to England and France. Talk about adventures! It was crazy fun.

You have to cram into a red phone booth when in London! My then-boyfriend/now-husband came to visit to me when I was studying abroad. :) The girl on the left is my travel buddy and partner in crime, Laney. We actually stayed with a friend of mine that I met while working at Disney.

This picture is in front of the castle at Disney Land Paris.

I love to travel. My husband and I are very spontaneous and we take lots of trips!  We have our own travel agency, Cross The World Adventures.  We specialize in Disney vacations and cruises, but we can book anything.  Email me if you would like a free vacation quote!

We don't have any kids yet, but I have two amazing younger sisters. We have a 10 year age gap.

In college, I joined Alpha Delta Pi sorority. They got me through college! Many great memories with these girls. <>

Now for the Q & A

Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?A: I'm going with... Marine biologist! Crazy, huh? My childhood ambition was to be a dolphin trainer. I decided to pursue teaching because it was more conducive to family life, and I get to teach about science everyday. I still have a thing for dolphins, though.

Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Blogstalking, travel, eatting out (I mean, c'mon- who doesn't LOVE this?!), reading,painting...

Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: Dolphin trainer... see #1

Q: What are your guilty pleasures?
A: Diet Coke (with sonic ice!), olives (weird, i know...), anything chocolate, mocha coffee drinks! ...And angry birds! Oh and chocolate pudding!!!! And maybe exclamation points!!

Q: What is your biggest fear?!
A: Darkness (i still hate it)
AND these crazy scary bugs that somehow invade my classroom once every few months:
Isn't that gross?!!! What the heck is this thing?! Ewwwww!

Q: When you’re on vacation, where do you like to go?
A: ! Wow! What's my budget?!! ha! I love cruises, so anywhere on a cruise ship!

I know you will be disappointed to learn that I actually don't own this hat... we were just goofing off in the gift shop. :)

Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: "If you can dream it, you can do it" -Walt Disney
Q: What do you value most in others?
A: Passion.

Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass down to your kids, what would it be?
A: Enthusiasm!

Q: If you could have lunch with anyone in the world….living or dead…who would it be?

A: All the educational gurus at once! Or Walt Disney.

Now tell us one random thing about yourself:
I have had a gray streak in my hair since I was about 7. I have very thick hair, so it blends in... Until I wear it up.


  1. Wishing my husband was more spontaneous. Everything we do must be scheduled lol


  2. So great! It's great to get to know you!

  3. Hey!
    I teach 1st grade just south of Nashville in Williamson county! :o)


  4. Nice to meet a fellow ADPi! :)

  5. I forgot Angry Birds! I am addicted too! Please keep me in mind if you have any questions about teaching Internationally, I would love to chat or answer any questions.


  6. Yay, I am so glad that you found my blog and I found yours. If you go back to my blog there are several posts about the wedding I try to poast about weddings on the weekend!

  7. You are too cute! Love it! And's the dang ice in those Sonic drinks that make 'em so YUMMY!! I LOVE Sonic ice! Thanks for linking up!! Nice to "meet" you!!

    Cara :)

  8. Thanks everyone for the comments! I'm lovin' this Link party! :)

  9. What a COOL story about working at Disney world and meeting your hubby there!!! Love the blog...thanks so much for stopping by mine! :)

  10. I love Walt. I feature quotes on my newsletter from him each week. Too cute.


  11. Angry birds!! I love it! I was an ADPi too!!! :)


  12. My guilty pleasure is olives, too. Glad to find someone like-minded!!

    I'm also your newest follower!

    -Kate @ The Wise Owl


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