Friday, March 11, 2011

TouchMath Champions

Do you use TouchMath in your classroom?
If so, you should head over to We Are Teachers to become a TouchMath Champion.  You can earn points towards free products by blogging and writing reviews for their products.
The We Are Teachers site also has several easy grants worth $200 + a Flip camera that only take a few minutes to apply for.  Take a few minutes to check it out!


  1. Hi Ash,

    I have been following your blog for a bit now, and love all of the tips and lessons that you post about. Everything is so cute! I am awarding you with the "Stylish Blogger" award! If you would like to accept this award, please visit my blog to pick it up!

  2. Thanks for sharing! I now follow your blog. I will definitely check this out.

    Erica Bohrer's First Grade

  3. Thanks for sharing this information. I love touch point stuff.


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