Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Simple ways to use Ipods to increasing reading fluency

Here are some ideas for classroom teachers, home schoolers, and parents to increase reading fluency using an ipod touch.

My favorite activity is to allow the children to use Voice Memo (standard on all apple devices) to record themselves reading a book.  Then, they play it back and listen to themselves reading.  My students have not only increased their fluency, but they also have improved in using character voices!  I repeat this same activity with flip cameras during buddy reading.

You could also use Audacity, the FREE audio editing and recording program to create your own audiobooks. Have a parent volunteer come in and record themselves reading books from your classroom library.  Mystery guests could also include school personnel such as the principal, librarian, art/pe/music teachers, cafeteria workers or custodians.  Parents, you could get family members in on the act.  Your child would be delighted to have a mystery reader that could be grandmother, a baseball coach, uncle, or even the neighbor!  Use wind chimes or a phone chime to signal a page turn.  Background music could be added later for dramatic effect!  These files could easily be added to a CD or ipod.  

Kathy Shirley, ADE Class of 2003, helped integrate the iPod touch into her students’ reading exercises. By recording and listening to themselves read, students got instant feedback and became much more engaged. In a short six months, they gained almost two full years of reading comprehension. 

In my class, we use:
  • an ipod touch
  • my personal iphone
  • coming soon: Ipad (Ok, side story: my FANTASTIC group of parents this year really came together and helped out at the fundraiser.  We had just enough to get one of the first generation Ipads.  I ordered it two months ago, and I kept getting emails saying it wasn't shipped.  TODAY I found out that the old models are out AND that our sweet PTO is giving all teachers an extra $100 at the end of the year.  My amazing school secretary went ahead and got my Principals approval for me to use this money early and purchase... AN IPAD II WITH THE WONDERFUL MAGNETIC COVER!!!!  I'm a just a little excited!!!!)
I would love to hear more about how you use ipods with education.  Also, what are you favorite apps?

Join the link party about listening centers over at Primary Inspired.


  1. Wow...congrats. This is something I will have to try out with my kids. Thanks!

  2. I am trying to get 2 of these for my room through Donors Choose. I still have a long way to go but I am hopeful.

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  3. Thanks so much for the tips! That's awesome you got them for free!

    Check out our giveaway here!

  4. Great news. I have one iPad for my classroom. My favorite thing is to keep records on my kids with google docs. I blogged about it here. .
    Patterson's Pack

  5. Congrats on the ipad!

    I'm giving you The Versatile Blogger Award for all of your hard work and efforts! Check it out at:


  6. Thanks for linking up! I am SO jealous of the Ipods! Maybe someday.....
    Primary Inspired

  7. Thank you everyone for leaving comments! I hope you can use this in your classroom- DonorsChoose.org would be a great way to get started if you don't have one already.

    Mrs. M- I just posted a new project on DonorsChoose as well. Good luck with yours!

    Teacher2Mom- I LOVE giveaways so I will have to check that out.

    Mrs. Ibarra- your students will love this! Thanks for stopping by and commenting.

    Mrs. Patterson- I also LOVE google docs and I'm going to check out your blog right now! :)

    Izzyshare- thanks for the award! :D

    Brenda- Try DonorsChoose.org! Good luck! Or writing a small corporate grant- Dollar General gives out a ton of $3,000 grants and it is super easy to apply for! Thanks for hosting the linky party.

  8. Thank you for sharing this information. I know exactly what to write a grant for from my Reading Association, after reading this.


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