Sunday, June 5, 2011

Bulletin Board Ideas Linky Party- Showcase your best!

Hello friends!  I went to my classroom today because my husband had to work, and I started staring at my back wall... particularly my bulletin board.  I would really like to change it out more this year and make it pop!
So, dear readers, I turn to you for help!  Please create a post that showcases your best bulletin boards, or describe and link to your favorites on other websites.
Here are mine:
What I liked about this is it was completely student created.  However, some things are drastically not to scale... see that big green thing on the tree?  Yea, that's a caterpillar!  :)  Can you tell we were working in groups in different areas?

Next is me being Vanna White next to a board I helped work on at the Curriculum Materials Center during college.  What I would give to be that skinny now! :(  I'm working out every morning now.  Anyway, the tree on this one is 3d, and I also like the wind effect created by chalk.

I did this one for a 4th grade Mississippi Studies class.  The 3d items include: the large magnolia flower, playwright book, patriotic windmill, and felt kermit.  I really love the top border.  I can't believe I made the fonts so small- that is definitely a con.  Hand drawn items by me include the trolley car, fish, mallard and bee.  
Here is a pretty boring one.  I don't even like how this looks at all.  I want to avoid this next year- I need your help!  I do have a student display on the walls as you come in, so I don't really have to utilize this space for student work- it could include themes.  I would really like to do a math, science, or social studies board.
Here is my entryway (the balloons are for our Ladies Tea):

Now I want to see what YOU have done!  Post pics of your best boards and link up!  (Sidenote: I'm personally interested in Ocean themes and back to school ideas)
Happy Linking!

PS-Tomorrow is my 2 year wedding anniversary :)  

My sweet husband brought me this tonight:
It's my first live Orchid! :)

Our actual celebration will be a Carnival cruise from Mobile to Calica and Cozumel.  We are going at the end of the month.  It's our first Carnival Cruise (we have done Celebration and Disney Cruises).  Any advice?  I can't wait! 


  1. Wow! I would love to be able to make bulletins like this but my district is strict on how much paper we can use in our room. We have so many things we need to display that we have to pick and choose with the cutesy things. I do like to use these (paperclips that are attached to small squares of paper)I can add a cute header above it and then kids can paperclip their work to the board.

    I look forward to seeing what others post!

    Primary Connections

  2. I linked up! You have done some beautiful bulletin boards! You are very talented!

    Teaching in the Early Years

  3. OK Ash, I linked the bulletin board post you liked. I can't take any credit though, most of the ideas are from Mrs. Jump.

  4. I linked up after I saw your comment. Super cute boards! I love the idea of the linky party! It's good to see other teacher's boards to help get ideas! :)

  5. Thanks for hosting this linky party, I came by via 'Teaching Blog Addict'. I am going to save this to my favorites list so I can check back and get idea's. We have a bi-monthly theme that we have to do, and it's always hard to find ideas that aren't boring. My students are middle-high school and they have Autism, so I try to get them to participate as much as possible.

  6. I wish I were still in school so I could make one. :( Yours are FAB!

    Ms. M
    Ms.M's Blog
    A Teacher's Plan

  7. Thanks for inviting me over to your linky party! I found the link from a comment you left for me on my Flag Hand Print bulletin board post. : )


  8. Thank you so much for starting this link party! Great way to get the creative juices flowing! I hope you enjoy my entry- I linked back to your site AND I'm your newest follower! :) Have a great week!

  9. SORRY - I posted before I realised it was a list for bulletin boards - not a bulletin board IYKWIM!
    Hope you enjoy the idea anyway!


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