Thursday, February 10, 2011

My early Valentine's day surprise (non teaching post, but I was excited to share!)

Today when I got home, the house was dimly lit with candles everywhere. It smelled AMAZING- clearly some work was being done in the kitchen. The place was spotless, which needless to say, wasn't my doing! Ha! :)

When I turned the corner into our dining room there were beautiful pink tulips, a red heart balloon, a heart shaped box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates (my FAVORITE!), pink/white/red heart mini-cupcakes, and a jar of green olives all set out on the table. Amid all of that amazingness sat our wedding china, plated with the most scrumptious 3 course made-from-scratch Mexican meal you have ever seen! He even bought me a cactus margarita glass for the salsa!

Wedding pictures and candles were everywhere, and a playlist of our favorite songs from over the years was playing. It was very sweet. We are currently on intermission from a girly-movie marathon (Yep, it's Valentine's all right!)- just finished up "When Harry Met Sally" (Can you believe he had never seen it?!) and Sleepless in Seattle.

So, our schedules have been crazy around here lately. I have either class or a meeting almost every night; Ben's schedule includes working weekends. We knew February was going to get hectic, so we have been going out to eat at fancy places (namely on our recent trips in Gatlinburg and Louisville), and this was a really special surprise. :) What a great night!


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