Saturday, February 12, 2011

Write your students a Valentine note

This year for Valentine's Day, I am writing each of my students a short letter for their valentine. I like this because it is cost effective and meaningful. And it re-enforces letter writing skills!
To do this project: First, I opened up Microsoft word and created a table with 20 rows and 2 columns. I am adding a heart-related graphic to the left side of the column and writing the student a personalized note on the right. I am trying to include something about their academic success or good behavior in the note. And, of course it has to be in a cutesy font. Here's a sample:

February 14, 2011

Dear Lacy,

Hey pretty girl! You are such a hard worker! I love having your as a student because you care about the needs of others and you always try to help. You are doing a fantastic job in reading this year!

Happy Valentine’s Day!


Mrs. _______


  1. Such a sweet idea! I'm doing it to now thanks to you!

  2. I have nominated you for teh stylish blog award. Please go to this post to see what to do.


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