Saturday, February 26, 2011

Organization Link Party- Virtual Tour of my Classroom

Join in the fun and get some great tips about organization along the way!
I have a secret... I'm not the most organized person ever.  So here's a tour anyway.  I'm more about taking notes from all these other amazing bloggers and just giving you guys a peek into my world.
Cover up areas where you don't want the clutter showing!  The bright floral print is actually a shower curtain from Walmart cut to size.  It is hot-glued to the top of the cabinets, but I can easily open up the bottom to access everything that is inside (which is mostly stacks and stacks of Kleenex boxes).  Sorry, this isn't the best picture, but it's all I have.  The picture below demonstrates the same concept: this time with a beach mat from Ron Jon's surf shop and some floral fabric from Walmart.  The Wind Chimes are also from Ron Jon's.... leftover items from my REAL beach days living in Florida!
Flowers and lamps make amazing accents and can really brighten up the classroom!  Also, I LOVE having an aquarium in the classroom.  I have easy tropical fish, and they are super low maintenance and the kiddos love them.  *Also... they aren't in the same location this year.  That table is really in the way of the word wall.  SPEAKING of word wall... Do you have a theme for your classroom?  I purchased this ocean background paper for $7 at Teacher Supply Center.

This fun ocean-themed canopy was $50 at Oriental Trading.  They also carry a jungle themed canopy and a circus (primary color) canopy if you are interested.  My students LOVE it.  I highly recommend devoting a full area of your room to your library.  *My bookshelves are much prettier now.  Please ignore these.*

Do you still have a giant teacher shrine that takes up 1/4 of the room (aka big bulky desk)?  Chunk it!!!!!!  I know, I know, you can't live without all your little drawers.... But really, you can.  It opens up the room for amazing things like this!  I use my reading table as my "teacher desk" now.  I have one little basket for supplies, and everything else goes in storage on a shelf on the wall behind me.  I can easily access all my office supplies, stickers, etc...  

Check out Angela Bunyi's Top Teaching Blog on Scholastic for more amazing organizational tips.

All of these pictures are from last year!  I will try to find some new stuff to put up. 
Join the link party!


  1. These pics show an inviting classroom--I can only imagine how awesome it must be this year! Thanks for the ideas. (And thanks for commenting on my post! You are the first on my teaching blog!)

  2. Such a cute classroom! I awarded you with the 7 facts blog award! Check out my post at

  3. Great idea to use shower curtains! Love to add a bit of color! I keep telling my husband that my classroom needs fresh flowers ... he's not listening very well :)
    Thanks for linking up!


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