Tuesday, March 1, 2011


Today is such a great day.  For starters, I hit 100 followers (thanks!)

Next, I have recently received two blogging awards:
 (Thanks Tiffany)
(Thanks Sunny, Mrs. Pearce, and Shannon!  )

The Rules
1. Thank and link back to the person who awarded you this award.
2. Award 5 great recently discovered bloggers
3. Contact those bloggers and tell them about the award

So here are my pay it forwards:

Ok and now my 7 facts:

1. Last night I somehow volunteered myself to present at the county technology conference on Flip Cameras.  If you have any amazing stuff you do with videos, let me know.

2. I use The Daily 5, a CAFE board and Lucy Calkins' Units of Primary Study in my classroom.

3. I have the book "Words Their Way" but I'm still trying to wrap my head around everything.  If you use this program, I would love to hear how you do it!

4. I am almost finished with my Master's degree!  I will complete my degree at the end of the summer.  It is in Special Ed- Mild/Moderate Disabilities.  Basically, it has helped me with the referral process and gives me strategies to better teach kiddos with learning disabilities (and really all my students).  The courses are completely online through The University of Southern Mississippi (NCATE certified!).  You can learn more about the program here.

5. I have a grey streak in my hair that appeared there when I was about 5 years old.

6. I have the best husband in the whole universe.  

7. I am not a neat person.  But I'm creative, so it balances out.  Sort of.  :)

Lastly, it was kind of a breakthrough day.  I use my iphone and our class ipod touch daily, but today was the first day I had the children record themselves reading.  Just go to "Voice Memos" and press the red button!  It was great for them to hear themselves.  Also, I have a student with selective mutism (read: she has never spoken to me.  ever.) and she recorded herself!  I was excited to hear her read!  She did such a great job- it was a big step.

Happy Tuesday!


  1. I have used Words Their Way before...but with big kids (4th/5th grade). It's hectic at first but the kids settle into a pattern eventually. I ran 5 different groups. Spelling tests were a nightmare but again, the age group made a difference. I really wouldn't even know where to start with firsties!

  2. wahoo! congrats:)


  3. I have a student who is a selective mute as well! We have never heard her speak, but she is definitely learning! I wonder if she would record herself reading.

  4. Yay for 100 followers! I hope to be there someday! Love your 7 facts! Have a great rest of the week! ALMOST FRIDAY!!!

  5. Just discovered your blog via art projects for kids. Congratulations on your 100 followers!! I would love to chat with you about Daily 5 in a Grade 1 classroom. I also teach Grade 1 in BC, Canada and am new to Daily 5 and would love to chat sometime about it.


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