Saturday, March 5, 2011

Ipad and firsties

Do any of you have an Ipad you are using with elementary kiddos?  How do YOU use it in the classroom?

I'm seriously considering buying one of the new models when they come out.  I would also use it to keep up with appointments/work for graduate school, reading books and of course music.  So it would be a win-win situation.

Here are some great K-2 Apps
And here is another random site I found interesting:

I'm also very interested in applying for Apple's Distinguished Educator program next year, so I think the Ipad is a must.

Did you know Apple gives educator discounts?


  1. I don't have one yet, but I too was thinking of purchasing one. I wasn't gearing it towards my firsties though, I was going to purchase one as a graduation present for my daughter and then get one for me, so we can communicate easier when she leaves to college. Laptops are great, but not so great to carry around......

  2. I do! I love it. I have an iPad that the school bought and 2 iPod Touches that I wrote a grant for. I have a lot of the same apps on all three. There are tons of educational apps that you can get and many of them are free. During small group reading time they are set up as a center. They work in particular apps depending on their needs. If they need sight word work there's an app for that. If they need to practice math facts, there's an app for that. Haha! If you decide to buy one, my favorite and my students' favorite app are created by a company called Brain Counts.

    I also use them for a listening center. Our reading series came with CD's and I was able to rip those stories and save them as MP3s so they can be used with the iPods and iPad. Of course there are stories you can buy through iTunes but I try to do things for as cheap as possible :).


  3. My husband bought me an iPad a few weeks ago. I just wrote a post about it on my blog. I love the read aloud apps. I use them during reading group rotations for independent work. I also love the sight word and math fact bingo apps. I put the same apps on my old phone for the kids to use, so it's twice the bang for your buck. I did not know that Apple gives teacher discounts. Thanks for sharing.

    Differentiation Station


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