Saturday, March 5, 2011

A wordle of my Educational Philosophy

Wordle: My Educational Philosophy
Click on the picture to go to Wordle and see the large version!

I was intrigued by another blogger, Mrs. Malchow, who posted her philosophy of education into wordle to create a visual representation.  I thought I would try my own.

"Students" and "reading" are apparently very dominate in my philosophy.  Can you tell I'm a first grade teacher?!  :)

On the bigger version, you can also see that the following words stand out: learning, classroom, writers, rotations, readers, math, group, curriculum, also (hmm may need to look into this...), progressivism, teacher, area, educator, responsibility, and knowledge.

I was shocked to see that "technology" was absent from my wordle.  This is something that I will definitely need to go back and incorporate.  I love that wordle lets you know what you are really emphasizing, whether you meant to or not!

What would YOUR wordle look like?


  1. Thanks for the link back Ash and I love that you gave it a try! It is definitely a unique way to see your philosophy.

  2. Thank you! It's amazing that ten pages can be boiled down to this tiny little graphic.

  3. I am loving this! Thank you so much for sharing. When I find some time I will have to try this! I'm interested to see what I'm focusing on!

    Mrs. Thompson
    Adventures in Teaching


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