Groundhog Freebie and other goodies
In case you are in need of some last-minute Groundhog Day ideas...
Here is a FREEBIE!
These digital activities are a fun way to practice skills.
Holidays Around the World Plans 2019
With 20 countries to to pick from, you'll never get bored! Here are the
example plans for 2019. As always, my advice is GET STARTED EARLY! There
are a lo...
Cubby Names Tip
Getting your classroom ready takes a lot of patience and preparation. Tip:
Use a index card or post-it note to make sure each label is in the same
Meet the Teacher Freebies
12 years later, and I still get butterflies on Meet the Teacher night. I
love meeting a new group, but its such a busy night trying to meet all my
new ...
West Fork Park | Green Township, OH | Cincinnati
The weather yesterday was *perfect*. Not a cloud in the sky, no humidity,
mid 70s with a light breeze. A little too chilly for the pool, I decided to
Alphapalooza 2 Phonemic Awareness & Phonics Fun!
“The two best predictors of early reading success are alphabet recognition
and phonemic awareness.”
-Marilyn Jager Adams
We spend a lot of time working ...
Hey Teachers....It's OKAY.
*Yes YOU.*
The one whose weary body hits snooze 5 times before hurriedly rushing out
the door to get to school on time.
I'm talking to you.
The perm...
#2 pencils
Got this idea from a friend who posted a picture! I think they are perfect
#2 testing pencils! Haha! Sending as a gift to the upper grades.
Sorting Ideas
*We started sorting in math last week. *
*There are SO many great ideas and resources out there for teaching
kindergarten students about sorting...*
How Teachers Feel After the First Day of School
Today was my 15th first day of teaching. I think it's a little like
childbirth. We have to forget how much work it really is or we may not
come back to ...
Ruby Bridges: One Week Wonder
This marks week number two of our biography unit, and we have been busy
learning with my *Ruby Bridges: One Week Wonder* study! We read *The Story
of Ruby ...
One Year!
It's been almost a WHOLE year since I last blogged. May things have changed
in this past year. I am no longer a First grade teacher. This will be my
2nd ye...
Math Tool Kit Freebie
Hey my peeps! I hope your summer has been fantastic!! I have two more
weeks, then it’s back to the grind for me.
Hop on over to Blog Hoppin’ to grab a ...
Gingerbread Math
This week we are doing all things Gingerbread!! We have been doing tons of
the activities in my Gingerbread Fun literacy unit. My students have loved
Australian Animals
Hi everyone,
We're settling in to our new life in Australia........I have a NEW
Kindergarten teaching position that I will start next year (which is in...
Pinteresting Find-- Noise Management
So I just saw this pinned from Deanna Jump and Mrs Carroll (The First Grade
Parade) and I couldn't NOT share this IMMEDIATELY. Things like this excite
me a...
Well, Hello!
Long time, no see! I am happy to announce that I am back into blogging,
after being away for a year. Wow! I switched grade levels last year and
blogging wa...
"Find the Difference" Math Flower Garden
To make these lovely flowers, the students made two colors of petals (one
color more than the other) and wrote a math subtraction sentence on a leaf
First WAS Fab...Second will be Super!
Thanks to all followers of this BLOG. I will be moving to second grade and
will no longer post to this BLOG. I will, however, leave it active for
viewing a...
Here is a post in pictures about what we have been up to lately!
Snowman Family Handprint Ornaments
How to create a snowman family handprint ornament:
Get solid color balls
Paint the student's hand white
Help them wrap their hand around the bottom of the ball
Allow time for paint to dry
Go back with sharpies/paint pens and add snowman details
Reindeer Thumbprint Ornaments
Next is the reindeer thumbprint ornaments. Don't judge my reindeer. He's a trial run. ;)
Materials needed: Mason Jar Lids, Ribbon, Paint, Hot Glue, Red Glitter
Walmart has these amazing Better Homes and Gardens Mason Jar Lids that are white with the gingham red pattern. Love it!!!! That's the backside of the ornament.
Disney Family Fun has a Reindeer Card that shows a better way to add the reindeer details. Photo Credit
Picture Frame Ornament
Oriental trading has these pre-made.... but I don't have a ton of money. I do, however, have time, paint, and lots of popsicle sticks. I took pictures of each kid with a santa hat on and these will be the frames.
Christmas Placemats
Placemats for Santa's Cookies and Milk. Not sure where this one came from. You could make your own with any Christmas clipart.
Not sure why this one is upside down... or why it is a gingerbread mermaid. ;) I <3 firsties.
Peppermint Ornament
Oriental trading craft
Stained Glass Window Decorations
My personal favorite :)
This idea came from the monthly Teacher's Idea Book: December
Basically you just cut a hole in construction paper, laminate it, and put it over a Christmas picture. Trace and color with a sharpie and voila! Note: Sharpies are used in small group setting with close adult supervision :)
We really enjoyed comparing Gingerbread stories with DeAnna Jump's great unit!
This is something new: Bloom's Taxonomy Chart. On each level, I have post-it notes with question stems. You could have a blank chart and add questions during the lesson.
Our tiny igloo
From the back side
The gingerbread baby ran away again! He left us some maps of the school with riddles. We tracked him down and he left us Gingerbread treats (Little Debbie- $1.50 a box, 8 in a box)
Then we graphed which part we bit off first (from DeAnna Jump's unit)
We made stained glass decorations
Wrote letters to Santa
Sorry I've been MIA this school year. I've been busy using all of ya'lls amazing ideas! :) I'll try to post more this upcoming year.