Saturday, February 26, 2011
Organization Link Party- Virtual Tour of my Classroom
Sunday, February 20, 2011
Host your own class art show while reading "The Dot"! ***BEST ACTIVITY OF THE YEAR***
At first, I thought- we are waaaay behind from all these snow days and there is just no way we would have time to do ANOTHER thing! But then I thought about it some more.... and decided it was a fantastic idea. I sent home a letter on Monday that we would have an art show during lunch on Friday in our classroom. All family/friends/staff were invited. One of my sweet darlings made this amazing sign that we ----->
hung around the school. The students would complete any type of art project on their own and bring it in on Friday. Participation was optional- this was not for a grade- and EVERY one of my kids brought in a project!
We had entire families show up- even lots of Dads! They were sooo excited to be invited to the classroom and celebrate their children's work. The principal, vice-principal, office staff, and even an entire Kindergarten class came to view our work. See that sweet lady in the middle of the picture (below)? She just happens to teach K and she just started an awesome blog you should check out. She is one of my bestest buddies AND she was teacher of the year last year!
To set it up: I hung a closeline around the edges of the room and attached the artwork with clothespins. A table was set up for sculptures and models as well.
One of my favorite things was our class created "Jackson Pollock" art on the whiteboard. If you go to Jackson Pollock's website, you can create your own interactive class masterpiece in just a few clicks! It is super fun and the kids love it.
Again, this is something that the kids do at home and just bring to school. We had lunch in the classroom and people came to view the work. This took barely any class time, but it helped me connect with parents and motivate kids. I hope you will give it a try this year! Also, if 'The Dot' isn't in your reading series, you can score your own copy on Amazon for less than $5, or go check it out at your local library. Enjoy!
PS- Sorry to those that have already covered this story. We are way behind because of all the snow, and I have been craaaaaaazy busy with graduate work lately.
Saturday, February 12, 2011
Do YOU Ning?

Write your students a Valentine note

This year for Valentine's Day, I am writing each of my students a short letter for their valentine. I like this because it is cost effective and meaningful. And it re-enforces letter writing skills!
February 14, 2011 Dear Lacy, Hey pretty girl! You are such a hard worker! I love having your as a student because you care about the needs of others and you always try to help. You are doing a fantastic job in reading this year! Happy Valentine’s Day! Love, Mrs. _______ |
Thursday, February 10, 2011
My early Valentine's day surprise (non teaching post, but I was excited to share!)
Today when I got home, the house was dimly lit with candles everywhere. It smelled AMAZING- clearly some work was being done in the kitchen. The place was spotless, which needless to say, wasn't my doing! Ha! :)

When I turned the corner into our dining room there were beautiful pink tulips, a red heart balloon, a heart shaped box of Ferrero Rocher chocolates (my FAVORITE!), pink/white/red heart mini-cupcakes, and a jar of green olives all set out on the table. Amid all of that amazingness sat our wedding china, plated with the most scrumptious 3 course made-from-scratch Mexican meal you have ever seen! He even bought me a cactus margarita glass for the salsa!

Wedding pictures and candles were everywhere, and a playlist of our favorite songs from over the years was playing. It was very sweet. We are currently on intermission from a girly-movie marathon (Yep, it's Valentine's all right!)- just finished up "When Harry Met Sally" (Can you believe he had never seen it?!) and Sleepless in Seattle.

So, our schedules have been crazy around here lately. I have either class or a meeting almost every night; Ben's schedule includes working weekends. We knew February was going to get hectic, so we have been going out to eat at fancy places (namely on our recent trips in Gatlinburg and Louisville), and this was a really special surprise. :) What a great night!
Monday, February 7, 2011
Mrs. Patton's Patch Giveaway
Incorporating Time & $$$ into Morning Meeting
Wednesday, February 2, 2011
Meet the Teacher

Thanks to

I live in Tennessee.
I have taught first grade for a few years, and this is my first year teaching 3rd (I LOVE it!).
I have my Master's degree in Special Education: Mild/Moderate Disabilities.
My teaching style is very hands-on. One of my colleagues said last week that her class was "like Disney World!". That's my aspiration. I want kids moving, collaborating, singing, smiling and learning! I love to integrate technology into the classroom as well.
More about me:
I'm married to the man of my dreams- who at met working at DISNEY WORLD! I worked at DisneyQuest at the Animation Academy. I taught guests how to draw Mickey, Minnie, Pluto and Goofy. I also worked attractions. I picked up shifts in all 4 parks. I used to work at Star Tours and Expedition Everest (right when it first opened) a lot. Star Tours was cool- part of the costume was a light saber! Kids would walk by and be like "Mommy, MOMMY, LOOK- That girl is a Jedi!!". haha maybe I'm an uber-nerd, but I thought it was a pretty sweet gig. Once at Everest, a lady got off the ride and handed the guy working next to me a BOLT. She was like "this fell off"! It landed in her lap mid-ride... craziness... I could go on for days with Disney stories. And yes, the most common question that cast members in the Magic Kingdom get is: "What time is the three o'clock parade?". For Serious.

This picture is in front of the castle at Disney Land Paris.
I love to travel. My husband and I are very spontaneous and we take lots of trips! We have our own travel agency, Cross The World Adventures. We specialize in Disney vacations and cruises, but we can book anything. Email me if you would like a free vacation quote!
Q: What would you be doing if you weren’t a teacher?
Q: What are your hobbies?
A: Blogstalking, travel, eatting out (I mean, c'mon- who doesn't LOVE this?!), reading,painting...
Q: When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up?
A: Dolphin trainer... see #1
Q: What are your guilty pleasures?
A: Diet Coke (with sonic ice!), olives (weird, i know...), anything chocolate, mocha coffee drinks! ...And angry birds! Oh and chocolate pudding!!!! And maybe exclamation points!!
A: Darkness (i still hate it)
Q: When you’re on vacation, where do you like to go?
A: ! Wow! What's my budget?!! ha! I love cruises, so anywhere on a cruise ship!
Q: What’s the best advice you’ve ever received?
A: "If you can dream it, you can do it" -Walt Disney
A: Passion.
Q: If you could choose one of your personality traits to pass down to your kids, what would it be?
A: Enthusiasm!