Study Jams are free animated educational math and science movies by Scholastic. Think BrainPopJr. without the paid subscription (on a side note, many Brainpop movies are free or can be viewed with a free 14 day trial).
Scholastic is best known for their book clubs, but they also have a wealth of great free resources on their website.

Here are a few of my favorites:
- Interactive Whiteboard Games
- Top Teaching Blog The cream of the crop- Home to Beth Newingham and Angela Bunyi, my heros. (which I am now following in Google Reader- see my last post!)
- Classroom Solutions another great blogging team
- Book Wizard Level your books- AR, Lexile, Grade Level Equivalent and much more!
- Free Webcasts: 6+1 Trait Lady Ruth Culham is coming up on April 5th. Or catch a free Word
Girl Webcast: Definition Competition on April 27th with your students!
- Bored with Starfall? Check out these computer resources
- What about free lesson plans and resources? They covered that too. Check out TeacherShare. It's similar to Teachers Pay Teachers, but entirely free. (Sidenote: TPT was owned by Scholastic in 2006 before creator Paul Edelman purchased the company back from them!)
- They even have a Teacher Helpline! ha! Love it.
What are your favorite educational (for teachers or students) websites?