Here are a few tech tools I've found very useful lately:
*Trackstar- This website allows you to quickly and easily create a webquest for your class. Here is my trackstar on Apples, which we used on Johnny Appleseed day.
*Voicethread- One this site you can take a picture of student work and then record them explaining it. My favorite feature is the social aspect- other students can comment. Also, you make want to check out Screenchomp App if you are just interested in the voiceover and picture- it does the same thing.
*MasteryConnect- I'm thinking of signing up for the paid version of this and I would love feedback from people who already have it! There is also Gradecam, but with MasteryConnect, you get the same features for a little less.
*KeepVid- Want to show that amazing educational video, but your school blocks YouTube? Here's your solution! Thanks to the Darling Liberian for her always fabulous comic tutorials:

An upcoming great resource that you should watch for:
Claco- This website is currently in Beta testing.
You can upload all your lesson files to share with others. I'm planning on having all of my content on here week by week so all my digital files will be ready to go- plus my team and global users can share and collaborate together! If you are teaching a certain topic, there is a search engine that finds lessons for you! Love it! Check out my profile here. Want in? Leave me a comment with your email!
What tools are you using in your classroom?
You can upload all your lesson files to share with others. I'm planning on having all of my content on here week by week so all my digital files will be ready to go- plus my team and global users can share and collaborate together! If you are teaching a certain topic, there is a search engine that finds lessons for you! Love it! Check out my profile here. Want in? Leave me a comment with your email!
What tools are you using in your classroom?