So I'm trying to get my room set up for next year. I will be teaching third grade next year. Check out my layout so far!
It still has LOTS if work to go, but it is looking better! They usually shut the place down in the summer, but due to budget cuts they are only waxing the halls. So basically that means I have extra access to my room. And since I'm going on a Disney cruise in 24 days, I want it finished before then. Also- get this: students bring their supplies to us JULY 31! Crazy, hub?
I want to see YOUR updates!
Groundhog Freebie and other goodies
In case you are in need of some last-minute Groundhog Day ideas...
Here is a FREEBIE!
These digital activities are a fun way to practice skills.
3 years ago
It looks great so far! I can't wait to get back into my classroom to work on my decor! =)
Ms. Smith
Adventures of Ms. Smith
Very cute!
Looking good!
I LOVE your design so far! I'm from the beach, but teach a few hours away. In the back of my room, I also have a beach set-up, and the kids adore the opportunity to "go to the beach." It's one of our places to calm down or just have some "alone time" while we still get our work done. All my groups are named after sea turtles. How did you make the trees?
I love the way your organize your math materials in those bins. I have everything in one big cabinet and I always rely on my memory to remember what activities I have for each strand. Brilliant. Pinning so I don't forget.
The Teaching Thief
Fiction Friday: A Celebration of Children’s Literature
Looking Good!! My school is a lot like yours! Our students are bring supplies and registration July 31st too! I have started in my room already too. Take a look...
Southern Sweetie in Second
I love your room - and labels. Are your labels available for a download? Thanks.
Love the makeover! Super cute!!!
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