She's old. She's feeble. She's sassy! She walks with a cane and has a hunchback. She doesn't know how to operate those newfangled gadgets, and she loses her glasses often.

To get granny-fied....
- Get some baby powder and dump it liberally in your old lady hair do
- Get some old glasses (mine are the ones from the 3-d movies! More of an accessory- they didn't stay on my face)
- Get a large sweater and stuff a pillow up your back- you do have a hump, after all.
- Find a lovely floral pattern skirt
- Wear some nice knee high stockings or socks with the ugliest loafers you can find- preferably black or navy
- Add a cane and an oversized purse. By purse, I mean suitcase that you could easily fit a bathtub in
- Make-up effects are optional. I squinched up my face and then darkened the wrinkles with a light brown eyeshadow. A bright pink lipstick is mandatory.
We made necklaces from 100 fruit loops, wore outfits with 100 items on them (Granny Cross' 100 item was the beaded lanyard for her glasses), and did lots of other fun things.
You could also have your students dress up as 100 year old people. :)
Happy 100th day!
PS Does anyone else feel like it should NOT be 100th day already?!