Groundhog Freebie and other goodies
In case you are in need of some last-minute Groundhog Day ideas...
Here is a FREEBIE!
These digital activities are a fun way to practice skills.
Holidays Around the World Plans 2019
With 20 countries to to pick from, you'll never get bored! Here are the
example plans for 2019. As always, my advice is GET STARTED EARLY! There
are a lo...
Cubby Names Tip
Getting your classroom ready takes a lot of patience and preparation. Tip:
Use a index card or post-it note to make sure each label is in the same
Meet the Teacher Freebies
12 years later, and I still get butterflies on Meet the Teacher night. I
love meeting a new group, but its such a busy night trying to meet all my
new ...
West Fork Park | Green Township, OH | Cincinnati
The weather yesterday was *perfect*. Not a cloud in the sky, no humidity,
mid 70s with a light breeze. A little too chilly for the pool, I decided to
Alphapalooza 2 Phonemic Awareness & Phonics Fun!
“The two best predictors of early reading success are alphabet recognition
and phonemic awareness.”
-Marilyn Jager Adams
We spend a lot of time working ...
Hey Teachers....It's OKAY.
*Yes YOU.*
The one whose weary body hits snooze 5 times before hurriedly rushing out
the door to get to school on time.
I'm talking to you.
The perm...
#2 pencils
Got this idea from a friend who posted a picture! I think they are perfect
#2 testing pencils! Haha! Sending as a gift to the upper grades.
Sorting Ideas
*We started sorting in math last week. *
*There are SO many great ideas and resources out there for teaching
kindergarten students about sorting...*
How Teachers Feel After the First Day of School
Today was my 15th first day of teaching. I think it's a little like
childbirth. We have to forget how much work it really is or we may not
come back to ...
Ruby Bridges: One Week Wonder
This marks week number two of our biography unit, and we have been busy
learning with my *Ruby Bridges: One Week Wonder* study! We read *The Story
of Ruby ...
One Year!
It's been almost a WHOLE year since I last blogged. May things have changed
in this past year. I am no longer a First grade teacher. This will be my
2nd ye...
Math Tool Kit Freebie
Hey my peeps! I hope your summer has been fantastic!! I have two more
weeks, then it’s back to the grind for me.
Hop on over to Blog Hoppin’ to grab a ...
Gingerbread Math
This week we are doing all things Gingerbread!! We have been doing tons of
the activities in my Gingerbread Fun literacy unit. My students have loved
Australian Animals
Hi everyone,
We're settling in to our new life in Australia........I have a NEW
Kindergarten teaching position that I will start next year (which is in...
Pinteresting Find-- Noise Management
So I just saw this pinned from Deanna Jump and Mrs Carroll (The First Grade
Parade) and I couldn't NOT share this IMMEDIATELY. Things like this excite
me a...
Well, Hello!
Long time, no see! I am happy to announce that I am back into blogging,
after being away for a year. Wow! I switched grade levels last year and
blogging wa...
"Find the Difference" Math Flower Garden
To make these lovely flowers, the students made two colors of petals (one
color more than the other) and wrote a math subtraction sentence on a leaf
First WAS Fab...Second will be Super!
Thanks to all followers of this BLOG. I will be moving to second grade and
will no longer post to this BLOG. I will, however, leave it active for
viewing a...
Our class has had the opportunity to connect with other classes from around the United States with video chat. While we meetup online, we have a fun math challenge for the other class: guess our mystery number!
Today our largest number went up to the billions in place value!
We have played the game with two variations. The first time we played Mrs. Egesdal's class (@4Begesdal) from Forest City, Iowa. We challenged her fourth grade class by answering yes or no questions to discover the mystery number.
We had great problem solvers ask questions like:
Is your number greater than 50?
Is your number a multiple of 10?
Is your number even?
Today we challenged Mrs. Naugle's fourth grade class (@plnaugle) from Louisiana. In this game, the students wrote down clues that the other class had to solve in order to find out the mystery number.
Clues included questions like:
It is a seven digit number.
The number in the tens place is 2. The number in the thousands place is 3 times this number.
The number in the ones place is an even number less than three.
We are looking for classes all around the world to post pictures of their school & communities to Instagram using the hashtag #ourcommunityed In this project, we will explore Rural, Urban and Suburban settings while interacting with real classes from around the world.
There is also a Google form for teachers to fill out if they would like to participate. Here is a link:
Could you help us spread the word?
By Junior Melo (Own work) [CC-BY-SA-3.0 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Gamification has been on my mind lately. One of my goals for this school year is to include more gamified learning in my classroom.
Maybe you saw Jane McGonigal's inspiring Keynote at ISTE? I think the potential for games in education is limitless!
Today I watched Alice Keeler's fantastic video on Gamification (see below). She explains the difference between games and gamification. I love that there were immediate takeaways: in my math lesson on estimating differences today, I created many more interesting "epic" story problems to correlate with the math. My students loved it- we had a great lesson today in part due to this video!
Sidenote: I came across this video through the Innovative Learning Technologies Special Interest Group (SIG) from ISTE. Check out a list of all the SIGs here. Excellent resource!
I also came across the website Educade, which is devoted to gamification in the classroom. I love that it includes lesson plans with gaming ideas! This would be a great resource to gather your lesson "hooks". I also would like to incorporate Minecraft and MakeyMakey into the curriculum this year, so this site offers guidance from educators who have completed projects.
Class Dojo
In the past, I have used Edmodo. My students gave it the moniker "Kid Facebook", and they seemed to enjoy it. I liked the badges.
This year I think I will rely more heavily on Class Dojo. I like the avatars, and I plan to use this abundantly for positive behavior rewards. I also like that you can automatically email parent reports! I would also like to utilize this resource to track skills- not just behavior. I like the idea of leveling up and competing against themselves.
As a google certified teacher, I present frequently on Google Tools for Educators. Check out my presentation from Lipscomb University's Ignite Session and learn new simple tricks that will make your life much easier!
I've been selected to participate in "MakeWithMOTO". This is an exciting high-tech weekend of inventing! They bring amazing tools including 3d printers, laser cutters, robots and more! If you could credit anything you could imagine, what would you make? I'd love some ideas to present this weekend! If you have a product or app that needs creating, let me know about it!
I'm looking forward to bringing what I learn back to the classroom. I'd also like to hear what type of robotics program you have at your school! Hopefully, my third graders will be presenting at the Maker Faire coming up in a few months. Have you checked out Maker Faires in your area yet?
Want a great way to get your kids involved in hands-on STEM projects? You should check for local mini-Maker Faires in your area! Described as the World's Greatest Show-and-Tell, maker faires are a gathering of minds... minds that are fascinated with inventing and creating. Personally, I think it's a great tie-in to STEM projects.
Also, check out things like SparkTruck that will come to you!
I had an opportunity to play with the Lego Mindstorm kit at ISTE this year. I really enjoyed their product, and I would love to get it into the hands of my students! I'm debated exactly which product to delve into- I would love to hear what you are using! Leave a comment or send me a message on Twitter!
Today we had our district tech conference. I played with littleBits. I like that they are magnetic and $149 for a starter kit. I like and dislike that there is no software component; I think it is easier to use, but they aren't learning a software program like Scratch.
Steve Dembo (@teach42) was our Keynote today! He works for Discovery Education, and he is also a co-author (with Adam Bellow) of:
Me & Steve Dembo @ our local tech conference
Adam explains Google Glass to me @ ISTE
Have you watched this yet? It's a must-do before the new school year! Get ready to change the world!
I have a confession: I haven't felt supremely confident about teaching math common core style. It feels... messy. And I'm ok with messy in a hands-on way: my concern was our messy work never matching "the answer" in the back of the book.
I'm having to rethink my preconceived notions, and it's entirely due to Dan Meyer's amazing TED talk. I love the idea of creating multimedia to intrigue students and draw them into the mathematical thinking process. Having those grand math conversations and really having them get it- isn't that the point? Deeper concept knowledge? Real world applications?
I'm in.
Are you?
Check out this amazing website, NextVista, where students and teachers can submit educational videos. I also love that they have video contests!
PS I would sooooo love to share the multimedia and problems that I'm doing in my class... if you will share yours too! Promise?
Are you still trying to figure out what Twitter is all about? Maybe your colleagues need some inspiration? Check out my new video to explain what Twitter is all about and how you can expand your professional learning network!
This post will introduce you to an entire suite of educational tools offered by Google.
Google Apps for Education (GAFE)
Google Drive
I LOVE Google Drive. You can create or upload documents, spreadsheets, forms (surveys) and much more. It's also a great way to backup your important files for free. It's also collaborative, so you can easily share a file and work on it instantaneously with others.
Create Surveys with Google Forms
This is a survey I created to get a feel of what type of PD our faculty wanted to see. They can also be used to create quizes, and you can use scripts like Flubaroo (see video below) to automatically score them for you! I use the often. I like getting date this way from the kids and then doing graphing activities with them.
Here is a video to get you started.
I love that Chrome saves all of my passwords across every device that I have: multiple computers (mac and PC), my iPhone and my iPads! It's also fast and efficient. I like that you can do a google search in the address bar. Another great feature: apps and extensions.
Think you can't have any fun without an iPad? Think again! The Chrome store gives you access to a myriad of free educational apps that your students can use on any computer.
Chrome Extensions
The extension "Webpage Screenshot" is an incredible tool. First off, you can of course take screenshots and annotate them. But wait- there's more! You can click "Edit Content" and change what is on the webpage!!!! This is amazingly fun. I use this on sites like Scholastic News, and the students type in a summary of the article or re-write a sentence focusing on exciting verbs or whatever we are studying. You can save a picture of your work (it doesn't really edit the original website) and post it on your class website or include it in an email.
Here are a list of extension and apps that I personally use:
Wikipedia Companion
KeyRocket (Hotkeys for Gmail)
Wise Stamp (Adds a sophisticated signature to your gmail)
Session Manager (Saves open tabs for later!)
Google Reader (R.I.P.) replacement: Feedly (Chrome App, also available on iTunes)
Create a custom Google Search
Did you know that you can create a custom Google search that will only pull resources from the sites that you specify? It's very easy to do! Click here to get started! You can also add it to your class webpage or create a new Google Site of your own.
This example pulls from sites like Time for Kids and Smithsonian Education. Photo Credit
Searching: News Archives and Google Scholar
Did you know that Google has archives of newspapers going back to the 1800's? Imagine a history lesson where students can actually see the front page headlines!
Created with Comic Life ($4.99 for the app or $19 for educational license on a computer)
Google Scholar is more important for the upper grades, but also extremely useful if you are in grad school! Find scholarly articles, abstracts and citations easily.
Customize the Reading Level of your Google Searches
How to modify your search results by reading level
Click Search tools at the top of the search results page.
Click All Results.
Click Reading level. You'll now see results annotated with reading levels as well as a percentage breakdown of results by reading level.
To filter your results by a specific reading level, select your desired level (Basic,Intermediate, or Advanced).
At any time, you can click View results for all reading levels to go back to seeing all results.
Google Hangout: A better alternative to video chatting
You can join events and listen to broadcasts. Today the White House sponsored a "We The Geeks" session that featured scientists, including Bill Nye, to discuss asteroids.
My 3rd graders video chat with my Mom's class in Mississippi. I love that we can write on our Smartboard in Tennessee, and they can see it instantly in Mississippi! My mom and I had the opportunity to co-teach a math lesson, even though we are in different states. We can even open up apps on the side and work on them together (like a Google Doc). It is an incredibly powerful tool!
The following are a copy of the notes from GTA MTV taken by Craig Statucki. While they are not conclusive, you may find ideas or topic to research more on your own, or leave a specific question for me to answer!
Engaging Students with Google Apps
Start portfolios in K
Purchase domain names for every student
"Technology is whatever was invented after you are born."
Students already have global networks - Xbox
Printing the NY Times costs twice as much as sending every subscriber a free Kindle.
It is for everybody or it isn't worth while
Google Drive
200 email addresses per document have access
50 email addresses at a time
Google groups can increase that amount
Mouse expose
Districtwide to increase the amount of max storage
Sync specific folders - preferences
Search within Docs for images - results shown are available for commercial use
Research = CTRL + CMD + I
Insert images, quotes, citations directly from the research section
As an educator, do you ever wish you could duplicate yourself? Wouldn't it be nice to monitor that group in workstations at the same time you are conducting a reading conference with another student? Speaking of students, do your students need to improve their fluency? What if there was a product that could help you accomplish all of those things without breaking your classroom budget?
There is!
Learning Resources sent me a HearAll Assessment Recorder to review. This nifty product has various microphones to pick up many sounds at once. That means you can record a group at work and hear everything that is happening. I really enjoyed using the HearAll for Reader's Theater. The quality of the recordings were good for classroom use, and the device is incredibly easy to operate. I also love that it can record up to 64 tracks at one time, no matter how long they are!
Here are a few ways that I am using the device in my classroom:
We record group work to share on our class website. Students were very engaged and motivated when the HearAll Assessment Recorder was around!
Students record themselves reading and then listen to the playback. They rate their own fluency. We can also create class audiobooks that will be transferred to the Listening Station.
Math Workstations & Literacy Workstations
The HearAll Assessment Recorder improves classroom management. By providing more accountability in small groups, students stay on task and more focused.
Overall, I think this product could be an asset in any classroom. I particularly like the students' awareness of fluency when they use the device. I think it would be interesting to record a student throughout the year and create a digital portfolio utilizing the HearAll Recorder. I have taught a student in the past that had Selective Mutism; this device would be ideal for assistive communication.
My students were using the recorder independently with ease after a quick modeling lesson. It is very lightweight and made of plastic; it also appears to be very durable. I also like that it has built-in rechargeable batteries, and that it plugs into your USB drive. I think the price is a little steep, but I do believe that it is a good, quality product that would be helpful in any classroom.
This week I am teaching fractions. The internet is always a huge source of inspiration, so I would like to showcase a few of the great teachers who provided me inspiration this week. Kuddos to everyone featured; I would not be able to teach fractions without all of you! Learning in Wonderland is hosting a Linky Party of your Pinterest Inspired Lessons.
Check out her comparing Fractions poster; it's another freebie! She has an entire wonderful post on comparing fractions you can find here. And then she has a great building fractions number sense post/game for the younger kids! Love it! Math Coach's Corner has been a wonderful resource for me this week; I feel like I have a personal math coach (which I desperately needed this week!).
I didn't want to jump into equivalent fraction by just cross multiplying. I love this video from MathMammoth that explains the visual models and moves into the more abstract concepts later. Here is a worksheet that goes with it.
Last year our PTO started a student talent show. It has been a huge success, and the teachers have even gotten in on the act. Read on to find out how to transform your team into Glowstick Dancing Divas!
The "Before" Pictures! Here is a sneak peek of us getting ready:
Hmmm... Layers and layers of frumpy clothes + fluoresce lights = not cute!
I haven't found any great videos of our performance (the person who filmed ours was waaaay back in the gym, and you can't really see anything), but here are some examples of other people on Youtube:
To create this look you will need 4 packs of neckless glowsticks (2 neckless in a pack). Use LOTS of clear packing tape; make sure it goes all the way around your legs/arms.
Fundraising: How to get a ton of money for YOUR classroom today!
If your school is like mine, we are always doing fundraisers. I am very grateful for the resources that this brings to our school, but I hate constantly asking the parents for money. Read on to find out how to get big corporations to help YOU!
Silent Auction
Every spring our school has a Bazaar. Each classroom puts together a basket to auction off. Normally, we ask the parents to donate the items for the baskets (ranging from gift card baskets to spa baskets to legos...). Then, we invite them in to bid on the baskets and give us more of their money. (Are you seeing a trend?)
This year, everything clicked! I discovered that there are a plethora of companies out there that will DONATE items for you to auction off (instead of asking parents), and you can put in your request online with a few simple steps!
Staycation and Vacation Baskets
The theme of my basket this year is "Staycation"! I love this idea because their are so many amazing things to see right here in Nashville. I'm thinking that they might could use these resources to take their kids around town, a special date night for just the parents, or they could also purchase them to treat out of town vistors!
Where to get started
For me, I actually started on pages like Tripadvisor or local websites that review local attractions and restaurants. Local news sites and newspapers often review these as well. After finding inspiration on the top attractions in the area, I went directly to their webpages. Scroll to the bottom and look for "Community Relations" or "Contact Us". Most had a form for a donation request; it only took a few seconds to fill out!
I started with:
Sports: Major/minor teams including football, hockey, baseball, basketball, etc.
Children's Attractions: Science Museums, Water Parks, Minigolf...
Unique Attractions to Your Area: Tours
Breaking it down
If your basket is worth a huge amount, you may want to split it up into smaller themed baskets to ensure that they sell for the maximum amount.
Continuing with the Staycation Theme, I'm going to break it down into:
Romantic Staycation- I'm going to include gift certificates to: a performance at the Symphony, a local hotel, a fancy restaurant, and a trip to the spa
Sports Staycation- Any donated sports memorabilia, tickets to games
Staycation with Company- any leftover items that could be added to this basket
THEN I found THIS!
Did you know that MAJOR companies all over the country will donate items for you to auction off?
I'm putting in a request for DISNEY TICKETS (4 four day park hoppers!).
You can get donations from: Walmart, Royal Caribbean, Universal... But you may want to get started really early! Most companies want at least 6 weeks to process your request; some want as much as 6 months! You will need your school tax exempt number to fill out most forms; sometimes you may have to fax them your request on official school letterhead.
PTO Today Forum included the Ultimate Donation List of 2013 that lists pretty much every corporation that gives to education along with a direct link to their site. Great timesaver!
Staying Organized
I use Google Forms, specifically, Google Spreadsheet to keep all of my information. I love that it is collaborative, so if I need to send it to a parent they can edit the document in real time. I can color code my donations: who has sent in their item, who needs more information from me, who has declined, etc. Get started using Google Drive today by clicking here.